Monday, September 22, 2008


Whether you’re an up-and-coming softball player, or have been playing the game for a while, understanding the phases of a solid swing — along with training your body to perform each of the following phases correctly — will lead you to becoming a solid, consistent hitter.

1 Stance
Make sure your feet are even and parallel, with your knees slightly and equally bent. Your knees also should be positioned inside of your feet. Your front shoulder should be lower than your back, and your elbows should point down (to form an upside down “V”).

2 Toe touch
Make sure your weight is evenly distributed. Your front knee should be positioned inside your front foot. Land on the ball of your front foot, with your heel slightly in the air. Your front shoulder should be lower than your back, and the bottom of your bat should be pointing toward the catcher.

3 Contact
Your knees, hips and shoulders are lined up at the center of your body. Your back elbow is bent, and your hands are slightly higher than the ball. In addition, your hands are in a palm up, palm down position. Your back heel is in the air, and your front leg should be stiff.

4 Extension
Your back hand remains in a palm-up position. Your arms are straight, your body is centered and balanced, and your back heel is in the air.

5 Follow through
A good finish to a swing indicates a good hand path through the hitting zone. Your wrists will roll over after full extension has been achieved. Your hands will usually finish at shoulder level or above depending on the height of the pitch. Stay short to the ball, and long to the finish!

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